
This blog is a collection of various comments and review of the activities of Terry Hallman, Jeff Mowatt and People-Centred Economic Development Company (Ukraine).

It was initiated following a campaign of abuse and deceit by Mr Hallman when he was questioned about his company activities in Ukraine and his reckless, unsubstanciated allegations that Ukrainian Orphanages are "Death Camps for Children".

The More research we did the more questions we found that need to be answered.

Most notable was the absence of independent verifaction of the claims made by Terry Hallman and Jeff Mowatt.

Not one project, orphanage or first hand account could be sourced.  All comments, events and sources were either self generated by Hallman and Mowatt or from third parties not related to the facts or events.

Terry Hallman died on August 18, 2011 from natiral causes.  He was a Chain smoker and an alocholic. 

He and his partner Jeff Mowatt never did find a wife which was their real motive in visiting Russia/Ukraine.