The claims made by Mr Hallman and others is reprehensible and must be strongly opposed and rejected.
Mr Terry Hallam (P-CED UA), Mr Mowatt (P-CED UK) and others continue to make unsubstantiated and false accusations.
We are cataloguing the numerous false claims made by Mr Terry Hallman and Mr Jeff Mowatt who seam to be engaged in a reckless campaign of sensationalist reporting in order to attract attention to themselves and P-CED's proposed commercial activities.
This is a direct insult on Ukraine's welfare services undermining the direct activities foreign aid organisation and can not be justified or tolerated. We all know the difficulties facing Ukrainian Orphanages but they most certainly are not DEATH CAMPS as suggested by Mr Terry Hallman, Mr Jeff Mowatt, Mr Peter Crosby and others.
Mr Hallman and others claim to have evidence to support their allegation of Death Camps for Children in Ukraine. When asked to provide evidence, names and address of DEATH CAMPS FOR CHILDREN .. Mr Peter Crosby replied "Go and find them". Having made unfounded reprehensible allegations they are now embarked on a witch hunt hoping that someone will find them.
Mr Hallman and other continue to suppress opposition to their outrageous claims by publishing false and defamatory information. Comments questioning the veracity of the claims made by Mr Terry Hallman are removed or not published. (Mr Hallman is the online-editor and moderator of one public forum ( CAMP (Definition -
A death camp is a concentration camp which has been deliberately set up in order to kill those imprisoned there; such camps are not intended as punishment for criminal actions, rather, they are intended to facilitate genocide.
Mr Hallman's reference to Ukraine's Orphanages as DEATH CAMPS FOR CHILDREN is sensational and reckless and does not conform to the above definition..
There is no deliberate policy or action of mass murder or genocide.
Mr Hallman and Mowatt's claims are unjust and are not support by facts, evidence or any professional international welfare organisation directly involved in children's welfare in Ukraine.Ukraine's "Death Camps" for Children is your chapter.
We will not do any investigations on it.
We know, orphanages for handicaps are even the worst, but not "death camps".
We believe it is serious accelerated, for the propose of fundraising.
Get proofs and than cry out.
Alexander Rakocz
Pro humane e.v., the orphanages in Ukraine could use more financial aid from their country to help provide the orphans with more food, medical care, dental, etc..
BUT.....every orphanage that I have been into is FAR from a "DEATH CAMP"..
I adopted (7) Ukrainian children...
None of them were treated badly in their orphanages, nor suffered from any neglect from care takers, etc. Yes, of coarse they could have used more nutrients, more food, vitamins, better medical, any type of dental, etc.. but over-all they were (and are) extremely healthy and I feel the orphanages did the best they could with what they had ($$).
Having questioned Mr Hallman on the validity of his claim and challenged him to provide evidence to substantiate the allegation that Ukrainian orphanages are involved in mass murder, extermination and genocide as implied by his reference to Death Camps for Children..
Mr Peter Crosby, an associated of Mr Hallman, having previously asserted there is in fact evidence supporting the claim of Death Camps for Children in Ukraine in a subsequent post published on the internet forum stated:...there were some points (referring to calls for Mr Hallman to produce evidence to substantiate his claims) which are worthy of debate, including the concern that there is precious little evidence to support the death camp claim.
Mr Hallman and Mr Mowatt continue to attack anyone that questions his claims.
Mr Hallman and Mr Mowatt are business partners (P-CED) trying to promote a proposed commercial venture in which they are seeking funding.
There are outstanding questions related to the registration of their company People Cantered Economic Development (P-CED). Mr Hallman failed to disclose in his visa application that he had been expelled and denied further entry into Russia.
Complaints should be forward to Ukraine's Ombudsman and For-UA editor Maxim Popov; Kiev, Olesya Gonchara, 74a/29 Tel: +380 50 3473074
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Bull in a china shop - Terry Hallman's unsupported reckless allegations of Death Camps for Children
There is no deliberate action on behalf of Ukraine's welfare agencies and orphanages to kill, murder or execute children.
In response to the questions "Are Ukrainian Orphanages Death Camps for Children?" the following reply was received from Ukrainian Angels who are actively involved in the support and adoption of Ukrainian orphans:
Mr Hallman failed to respond.. It's been six months and still no evidence, No names,. address or photographs.
Its been six months since Mr Hallman made these sensational claims and still he has failed to provide any substantial evidence. These allegations were first published by in an interview with Mr Hallman. No independent investigation was undertaken to verify Mr Hallman's claims or allegations.
Posted by PCED-Review
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